Patrick tells you why the core is important, how to find your core, and how to strengthen your core with some basic yoga poses and their variations.(Boat Pose {navasana}, Side Plank {vasisthasana}, Lo ...
This video breaks down what it takes to get a deep, comfortable lotus yoga pose. Most people give up on ever doing a proper lotus, but the with right poses, done with patience and consistency, you wil ...
If you aren't quite sure what the difference is between the cobra pose (Bhujangasana)and upward facing dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana). This video should answer the question once and for all!Come see th ...
Patrick and Yoga Garden teacher Kumiko Minagawa take a look at one of the most recognizable poses, Natarajasana or the dancer pose. Watch this video and practice your alignment in the dancer pose. ...
By themselves, crow (kakasana) and crane (bakasana) aren't all that exciting. They're good for wrist strengthening and concentration, but the best thing about these poses is that they teach you where ...
This video flips your world upside down by showing you how to build a strong foundation in the arms and shoulders for head stands. ...
Want to add a little variation to the plank position? When you are ready to take it up a notch, lift a leg. Watch this video first, to see what it looks like. ...
Check out this video to learn how to do the basic plank position for yoga. Start off on all fours and put your feet out straight behind you. ...
Yoga butterfly breathing is a great way to start you day or any work out. It gets you well oxygenated, helps you eliminate toxins, gets your cardiovascular system revved up and bumps up your metaboli ...